Miriam Hartz
Günthersburgallee 82 / rear building · D-60389 Frankfurt am Main
Mobile: 0170 / 3 47 27 40 · Phone: 069 / 98 19 10 78
mh@miriamhartz.de · www.miriamhartz.de
My offices are easily accessible in Frankfurt’s Nordend district.
You will find das Beraterhaus in the courtyard of Günthersburgallee 82
S-Train S8 or S9 toward city center, alighting at Konstablerwache station; from there change into tram 12 or U4
Parking is available during the day along Günthersburgallee. Alternatively there is a car park within walking distance called Im Prüfling.
Bicycle racks are located in the courtyard.
Chilli is our cool office cat: sociable and chilled. If you’re lucky, she’ll be there on the day of your appointment, as she sometimes walks with me from home to my practice.